The following is still incomplete, but should help you get started.

What does “cannot find default naming contexts” mean?

Try adding the following aci to your root dse. For example, using /usr/bin/ldapmodify:

ldapmodify -x -D "cn=directory manager" -w password
changetype: modify
add: aci
aci: (targetattr = "subschemaSubentry || aliasedObjectName ||
 hasSubordinates || objectClasses || namingContexts || matchingRuleUse
 || ldapSchemas || attributeTypes || serverRoot || modifyTimestamp ||
 icsAllowRights || matchingRules || creatorsName || dn || ldapSyntaxes
 || createTimestamp")
 (version 3.0;
  acl "Anonymous access for phpldapadmin";
  allow (read,compare,search)
  (userdn = "(ldap:///anyone)")

NOTE: The dn is the empty string “”.

PLA config.php

The following settings work:

$ldapservers->SetValue($i,'server','name','whatever you like');    
$ldapservers->SetValue($i,'server','host','10.0.0.x'); // or DNS name    
$ldapservers->SetValue($i,'login','dn','cn=directory manager');    

PHP Memory Size

It seems you need to increase the memory_size value in /etc/php.ini to 32M to make anything work at all. (default is 8M). Then restart your webserver.

How to create a posixUser in Fedora DS

In the templates/creation directory, edit the file new_user_template.php, search for ‘value=”gn”’ and replace it with ‘value=”givenname”’

Script to add a user and auto-increment uidNumber

Here is a script to help with adding a user and auto-incrementing the uidNumber:

It supports uid uniqueness checking and specified or auto-incrementing uidnumber, as well as specified or auto-incrementing gidnumber. It even hashes the user’s password before sending it over-the-wire, but it doesn’t encrypt the bind password. If you have SSL turned on on your LDAP server, you could just use stunnel or you could modify that script to use SSL. It’s pretty simple, just change this:

my $ldap    = Net::LDAP->new($SERVER)    

to this:

my $ldap    = Net::LDAPS->new($SERVER)    

How to create a groupOfUniqueNames (as opposed to just a groupOfNames)

Edit the file templates/modification/group_of_names.php. Around line 21, “ $attr_name = ‘member’; “ I replaced member with uniqueMember - a hack, I know, but it worked. Now I can create the initial member as a uniqueMember.

Last modified on 9 May 2024